Frequently asked questions.
If you are interested in a mentorship program, please start by emailing me at hello@innervision.online
What’s the difference between therapy & coaching ?
The basic distinction that I like to use is that while coaching and therapy both focus on the present, therapy often has a greater empahsis on the past: uncovering, unlearning, undoing while coaching places a greater emphasis on the future in regard to what wants to be created and experienced.
Coaching is an unregulated buisness meaning anyone can practice as a coach regardless of how much or how little training they have. Therapy requirements vary state to state but require a masters’s degree and around 3,000 hours of supervised client experiece.
Both coaching and therapy can provide transformation, recalibration and growth and its important to be discerning and work with someone who you feel really sees you. You deserve that relationship.
Although I am also a working psychotherapist, I love the emphasis on creation in coaching and mentorship work. Ultimately, I feel that healing is creating something new and often times we have to surrender, release and uncover in order to make space for the life that wants to live through us.